1. Tattoo (Small black & white picture)
Competition format
Video and photo shooting, bring the works to venue
- Tattoo: Single color cream color only
- No limit to theme patterns
- Contestants choose which machines or hand tools to use
- The organizer will provide artificial leather (21cm x 30cm), or participants are asked to bring their own artificial leather that meets the requirements of this competition
- There cannot be any text or marks on the artificial leather except for the work
- The video does not need to film the entire process, but it must include the contestant’s self-introduction, contestant number, 3 minutes of operation at the beginning, 3 minutes of operation in the middle and display of the finished product
Grading rubric
Overall integrity 20%
Creative design degree 20%
Line smoothness 20%
Work cleanliness 20%
Three-dimensional gradient 20%
Video requirements
- Video the contestants’ self-introduction and contestant number
- Highlights of beginning
- Highlights of the mid-stage operation
- Effect display of the final finished product
- The entire video should not exceed 10 minutes

2. Tattoo (Small colour picture)
Competition format
Video and photo shooting, bring the works to venue
- Tattoo: no limit to cream color
- No limit to theme patterns
- Contestants choose which machines or hand tools to use
- The organizer will provide artificial leather (21cm x 30cm), or participants are asked to bring their own artificial leather that meets the requirements of this competition
- There cannot be any text or marks on the artificial leather except for the work
- The video does not need to film the entire process, but it must include the contestant’s self-introduction, contestant number, 3 minutes of operation at the beginning, 3 minutes of operation in the middle and display of the finished product
Grading rubric
Overall integrity 20%
Creative design degree 20%
Line smoothness 20%
Work cleanliness 20%
Three-dimensional gradient 20%
Video requirements
- Video the contestants’ self-introduction and contestant number
- Highlights of beginning
- Highlights of the mid-stage operation
- Effect display of the final finished product
- The entire video should not exceed 10 minutes

3. Tattoo (Large black & white picture)
Competition format
Video and photo shooting, bring the works to venue
Tattoo: Single color cream color only
No limit to theme patterns
Competitors choose which machines or hand tools to use
- The organizer will provide artificial leather (21cm x 30cm), or participants are asked to bring their own artificial leather that meets the requirements of this competition
- There cannot be any text or marks on the artificial leather except for the work
- The video does not need to film the entire process, but it must include the contestant’s self-introduction, contestant number, 3 minutes of operation at the beginning, 3 minutes of operation in the middle and display of the finished product
Grading rubric
Overall integrity 20%
Creative design degree 20%
Line smoothness 20%
Work cleanliness 20%
Three-dimensional gradient 20%
Video requirements
- Video the contestants’ self-introduction and contestant number
- Highlights of beginning
- Highlights of the mid-stage operation
- Effect display of the final finished product
- The entire video should not exceed 10 minutes

4. Tattoo (Large colour picture)
Competition format
Video and photo shooting, bring the works to venue
- Tattoo: no limit to cream color
- No limit to theme patterns
- Competitors choose which machines or hand tools to use
- The organizer will provide artificial leather (21cm x 30cm), or participants are asked to bring their own artificial leather that meets the requirements of this competition
- There cannot be any text or marks on the artificial leather except for the work
- The video does not need to film the entire process, but it must include the contestant’s self-introduction, contestant number, 3 minutes of operation at the beginning, 3 minutes of operation in the middle and display of the finished product
Grading rubric
Overall integrity 20%
Creative design degree 20%
Line smoothness 20%
Work cleanliness 20%
Three-dimensional gradient 20%
Video requirements
- Video the contestants’ self-introduction and contestant number
- Highlights of beginning
- Highlights of the mid-stage operation
- Effect display of the final finished product
- The entire video should not exceed 10 minutes