2.19 gown pic 2.19 gown pic 《國際指標ISO職能認證加冕典禮2025》畢業袍申請表格 認證中心名稱 Name of Accreditation Centre * 帶隊老師 Name of Teacher * 聯絡手機 Contact Number * 聯絡電郵 Email * 出席人士資料 Participant Information 參加者姓名 (中文) Name of Attendee (CHI) * 參加者姓名 (英文) Name of Attendee (ENG) * 畢業袍種類 Gown Type * 校長 Principal 導師 Trainer / Practitioner 學生 Student 畢業袍大小 Gown Size * 小碼 S (身高約 160cm) 中碼 M (身高約 170cm) 大碼 L (身高約 180cm) 加大碼 XL (身高約 185cm) plus1 增加參加者 Add Attendee minus1 減少參加者 Remove Attendee 個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement 在這份表格提供的個人資料是根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》為指引,國際美業家商會會用於下列目的: 1. 申請者的申請獲接納後,本表格所載的所有資料會存於國際美業家商會,並向內部部門的資料使用人披露。 2. 本會不會出售、出租或與第三方交易您的個人資料。然而,本會在履行有關香港法例的要求時可能會向有關法庭、執法機關和/或監管部門披露您的個人資料。 3. 主辦單位「國際美業家商會」保留一切更改規則條款之權利而不作另行通知及保留最後決定權,不得爭議。 4. 點擊下方的「提交」按鈕即表示申請者已同意遵守及接納是次活動所有規則及條款,不得爭議。 The personal data collected in this form is guided by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and will be used by the International Aestheticians Chamber of Commerce (INTACC) for the following purposes: 1. After the applicant's application is accepted, all the information contained in this form will be stored in the INTACC and disclosed to the data users of the internal department. 2. The INTACC will not sell, rent or trade your personal information with third parties. However, INTACC may disclose your personal information to relevant courts, law enforcement agencies and/or regulatory authorities when fulfilling the requirements of relevant Hong Kong laws. 3. INTACC reserves the right to change the rules and terms without prior notice and reserves the right of final decision without any dispute. 4. By clicking the "Submit" button below, the applicant agrees to abide by and accept all the rules and terms of this event without any dispute. 提交 Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.